Cómo Funciona

Descubre cómo el programa Pico y Placa Solidario mejora la movilidad en Bogotá para todos.

Verificación de Placa

Ingresa tu número de placa para verificar la habilitación de tu vehículo en el programa.

Three scooters are parked in a row next to a weathered, brownish wall with barred windows. Each scooter has a windshield and is positioned in a marked parking space. A nearby blue road sign indicates one-way traffic, and the setting appears to be urban.
Three scooters are parked in a row next to a weathered, brownish wall with barred windows. Each scooter has a windshield and is positioned in a marked parking space. A nearby blue road sign indicates one-way traffic, and the setting appears to be urban.
Información Clave

Accede a detalles importantes sobre el funcionamiento del programa y su impacto en la ciudad.

Beneficios del Programa

Conoce los beneficios que ofrece el programa para mejorar la movilidad y reducir el tráfico.
A row of parked scooters lines a cobblestone street adjacent to an old building with shuttered windows and balconies. A parking meter sign is visible, indicating ticket requirements. A few cars are also parked along the street.
A row of parked scooters lines a cobblestone street adjacent to an old building with shuttered windows and balconies. A parking meter sign is visible, indicating ticket requirements. A few cars are also parked along the street.
Several auto rickshaws parked on a street with people walking around them. The rickshaws are yellow with black roofs, and some have advertising on the back. There are pedestrians, including a person on a motorcycle, and a cart in the background.
Several auto rickshaws parked on a street with people walking around them. The rickshaws are yellow with black roofs, and some have advertising on the back. There are pedestrians, including a person on a motorcycle, and a cart in the background.